Qhov zoo ntawm cov tiam tshiab ntawm chargers rau lub tsheb fais fab

DCNE zaus hloov dua siab tshiab mem tes charger series txais yuav "superimposed ua ke mem tes ceev ceev thiab tawm tshuab" thiab "automatic nrhiav kom tau qhov kev pab cuam-tswj thiab tso tawm tshiab technology", Nws muaj peev xwm ho txhim kho kev them nqi efficiency thiab zoo, zoo heev txo lub sij hawm them, zoo ntev roj teeb lub neej, thiab innovate electric tsheb charging.Electric xeev, kom ua tau "siab efficiency, ib puag ncig tiv thaiv, txuag hluav taws xob".

DCNE variable zaus mem tes charger nta:

* On board charger / portable EV charger rau feem ntau qis-ceev EVs ntawm lub khw.

* Cov ntaub ntawv zoo heev, 18 lub hlis lav.

* Tau tshaj yuav luag txhua hom roj teeb ntawm lub khw, xws li qhib / tu-dawb txhuas-acid roj teeb, LifePo4 roj teeb, lithium roj teeb, thiab lwm yam.

* Waterproof thiab dustproof, ntse thiab ruaj khov.

* Ntse nti tswj, tiv thaiv luv luv-circuit rov qab kev twb kev txuas, tsis siv neeg kaw thaum puv, dhau-kub thiab dhau-voltage tiv thaiv, tiv thaiv hluav taws xob, tiv thaiv hluav taws, tiv thaiv overcharge, nyab xeeb thiab ruaj khov.

* Cov kiv cua loj loj, qhov cua thiab cua sov dissipation, ceev ceev txias thiab cua sov dissipation, kom tsis txhob overheating puas.

* Kev tiv thaiv kev laus thiab tawg-pov thawj, siv cov khoom siv aluminium alloy ua lub plhaub, lub neej ua haujlwm ntev.* Glue-filled foob tsim, ntsiag to cua txias kiv cua, ntsiag to thiab ruaj khov.

* Qhov (sockets), xov hlau, ntawv pov thawj los ntawm 3C.

* Kev tiv thaiv kub dhau, siv cov txheej txheem txias txias, cov khoom siv hluav taws xob hluav taws xob, tuaj yeem hloov mus rau ntau qhov chaw, lub zog kub kub tawm.

* Tsawg-voltage wake-up, thaum lub roj teeb tsis muaj zog, lub them tuaj yeem qhib tau.

DCNE tshwj xeeb hauv kev tsim, kev tsim kho thiab tsim cov chargers rau ntau lub tsheb hluav taws xob.Cov khoom siv dav siv hauv ntau lub tsheb hluav taws xob xws li tsheb thauj mus los, tsheb classic, tsheb golf, tsheb saib xyuas, cheb, tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws, hluav taws xob forklifts thiab lwm lub tsheb tshiab.Ua raws li lub tswv yim ntawm "kev ciaj sia los ntawm kev ua tau zoo, txhim kho los ntawm kev tsim kho tshiab", ua raws li lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm "kev pabcuam nrog lub siab, tus neeg siv khoom ua ntej", thiab pabcuam cov neeg siv khoom tag nrho.

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Post lub sij hawm: Aug-29-2022

    Xa koj cov lus rau peb:

    Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb